
Relationship with the Media

The relationship with the Media is a continuous process to attain a positive perception and we know how to accomplish it.
We interact with editors, reporters, anchors and journalists. Our main goal in this area is to communicate the relevant messages from our clients to the right media, thus reaching key audiences, through the editorial coverage in printed media, radio TV and digital media.
We coordinate interviews, visibility plans, press conferences Q&A, and crisis management.

Our clients have been published on the most prestigious media of México, like El Financiero, Reforma, Milenio, Manufactura, among others.


Diagnosis and Consulting

We are communication consultants. We perform in-depth diagnosis to recommend the best processes and, above all, the communication results and presence in media.

Public Relations

Development and Implementation of Public Relations Programs

We create practical communication programs that generate engagement and build relations with different audiences. These diverse audiences may include employees, clients, industry, government agencies, investors, non-profit organizations, among others.

We are experts on creating win-win alliances with companies, thought leaders, associations and institutions that are important for our clients.


Content Generation

Today, useful content should be the center of communication and marketing programs at any enterprise. We are experts on creating content and we envision that as an approach strategy directed to consistently create and distribute valuable, relevant and original information to attract and retain target audiences and thus trigger purchasing action by consumers.

We have the experience to generate press releases, publishing columns, success stories, speeches, conferences, social networks, video scripts, jingles, institutional and motivational songs; books, infographics, illustrations, among others.

Projects Gallery


Media Training Workshops

It is essential to adequately identify and prepare company spokespersons that will be in contact with the press. Achieving really highly effective spokespersons will attract the interest of the media to publish news and topics from your area of expertise.

Public Speaking workshops

Currently, big businessman and even many employees at different level are exposed to public speaking; therefore it is a skill that requires constant improvement. Messages have a greater impact when conveyed in a competent fashion to the different audiences. We have an interactive workshop format to reinforce self-confidence and security of the people who are required to speak in public. These workshops apply to CEOs, Directors Managers, Speakers, Spokespeople, Sales Team, Tour Guides, Waiters, Teachers, Students and to all those interested in sharing their knowledge.


Performance and result reports

We are committed to the most accurate media monitoring; we measure and analyze the results of editorial publications achieved together with our clients. Clearly establishing the ‘free press’ results and costs are critical for any marketing program.

Our reports help us analyze the market trends, the activity of our direct and indirect competition, focusing even better the messages we are sending. At a business level, it is important that the client can communicate his success to the several audiences, to the company leaders, to their current and potential clients, to employees, vendors and the general public.


Development of tailored Creative Communication and Marketing projects

We have a creative team that makes possible creating unpublished programs and products full of value content to launch direct marketing campaigns, and promoting product and services from different sectors. Not only do we generate content, but we also know how to materialize and produce the content originally and efficiently.

Projects Gallery


Event planning

Launching products and/or services:

We have a highly experienced group of experts on event planning and production. We work together to make events a communication forum, ensuring that substantial messages are conveyed clearly and creatively.